Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's the end of an era!

My husband that sneaky old man recently swapped my good, trusty, mobile phone with a smartphone he bought while I was upstairs napping on an unusually rainy Sunday afternoon. The nerve! It was so annoying trying to type a simple text msg as I keep on miss-spelling my words! Those bloody touchscreen keypads are so frustrating! thing I know, he signed me up on a basic data plan and started downloading all these strange things called “apps” (?) on to the phone. I’m slowly learning to swipe the screen to scroll and type (the trick is to use de tip of my nails!) and I have to admit, this new little gadget is starting to grow on me – gasp! Sorry, my darling Nokia! You have served me well but you do understand that our beautiful relationship has to somewhat..end right?

One of my girl besties got married recently and last Saturday was the reception at Eastin Hotel. OMG it was such a beautiful wedding! The setting was so romantic with pastel colors blended with silver and dangling crystals just gives it a magical effect. I remembered her weeks before the day, stressed and overwhelmed with all the wedding preparations plus having to pacify and satisfy the preferences of her family and the would-be inlaws (didn’t we all? hehe). But wow did it all turn absolutely perfect. I wish I took pictures from the night but yeah I was still using my old 2G camera-less phone hehehe. I can’t wait to see the official wedding photos.

Few years back when I revived this blog, I wrote about the funny baby words/pronunciation created by Imran.
Now, it’s Mia’s turn to create her own vocab;

Apam = Abang = Imran
Tumi = Tokmi
Loon = Balloon
Toti = Roti
Tanana = Banana
Sisa = Lisa (her baby cousin)
Atin = Drink
Sayam = Salam
Cads = Scared (when she hears the sound of thunder)
Tars = Star
Tiak = Ketiak (her favorite body part)

Kiki Yau = Mickey Mouse

On to other developments – the inlaws are moving to their new house this weekend. YES. Enough said.

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