Thursday, December 24, 2009
A little update
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
On cloth diapers and potty training
I have to admit that the initial cost is quite high, RM260 for a set of 6, with 12 inserts. But after a few months, I can really appreciate the savings from buying disposables. My only regret is for not starting earlier! And it's also great that the room is now spacious with two less giant disposable diaper packs and the kids' bathroom don't stink of the disposables anymore :P (except when Imran does his business, that is).
Oh yeah, on the boy. We are planning to start the (eek!) toilet training this upcoming long weekend. I've bought a few pairs of kid underwear for starters. If all goes well, I'll take him shopping for some fancy Ben 10 ones later :) I hope he will be pottytrained by the time school starts in January, so it won't be too hard when the teachers take over at school.
Wednesday my in laws will be returning home, and as much as I am GLAD to finally be able to be by myself again, I'm kinda sad thinking of how they will miss the children. I could really see how they have bonded with the two kids and I'm sure they will miss being spoilt by their Tok and Tah too. I'm also worried bout leaving my Dad to be in charge of my charges until Mummy comes back sometime next week. He's not too strong himself and I hope my maid is able to help him sort out de house a bit in time for Mummy's return.
Ok, it's already past 10, I really should start working :). Till later.
Friday, December 04, 2009
Never enough
Wish my mum could come back sooner. There's just too many ppl in the house I can't breathe.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Concert time!
The Ketchup Song
Imran n his girl Amelina singing We Are The World
Well done Imran!!
Monday, November 09, 2009
And Reconnect We Did
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Need to reconnect
Monday, October 19, 2009
The 6 year mark
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Money money money!
Mamex: RM32 x 8 = RM256
Mamy Poko: RM32
Drypers: RM25
Injections: RM300
Toilettries etc: RM20
Dugro: RM23 x 4 = RM92
Mamy Poko: RM45
Drypers: RM25
Toilettries etc: RM20
School Fees: RM200
Total both kids: RM1,384!!!
So i got iskandar to search for alternative milks to give Mia, (read:cheaper) and found out about soy milk. it's supposed to be good for babies who has milk protein allergies, lactose intolerant and other special needs babies. Price is slightly higher than S26 but definitely cheaper than the Mamex Gold. haven't actually tried it on her yet coz there's still some Mamex supply left for at least 2 days more. i hope she takes the new milk well as right now she doesn't seem to enjoy the Mamex milk much. She's only taken 8oz from 7am to 3pm when she's supposed to be taking 12oz by now.
Both babies are napping right now which means it's time to finally sit down and sort out my income tax problem. the whole point of me taking this long leave is to work my taxes and it's already Day 2 and the tax forms are still untouched! :P
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Just another Raya post
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Some updates
Monday, September 07, 2009
Desperately seeking caffeine
Friday, August 21, 2009
The end is near..
Yup, i think i've sort of made my mind up about resigning. thing is, i'm not really sure where i wanna go or what i wanna do yet. Half of me wants to take up the challenge at the new company but the other half yearns to spend more time with my kids at home and bring them both up properly. Every working mum's dilemma i guess. i can't wait till Iskandar's promoted next year hopefully. If the salary increase is sufficient, i really don't mind cutting back on my expenses, downgrading the car, even letting go of the maid, just so I can be a full time Mom. With Mia so young and vulnerable, and Imran so active and curious, it would be a shame to miss all the wonderful discoveries they make and milestones they achieve. Those things money can't buy.
That's it for now. Mia's sound asleep, didn't finish her 7pm feed, as expected, she passed out halfway again. It's Mummy-Imran time now, i.e. dinner with Tigger & Pooh, Animal Mechanicals or whatever else is on Playhouse Disney!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Monday, August 03, 2009
It's a little less than 3 weeks till i go back to work, something i look forward as well as loathe at the same time. My boss has recommended me to the MD of this company who is looking for an Engineering Unit Head. We had a meeting to discuss the job, salary and stuff and so far he's quite agreeable to my terms. Now the ball's in my court. I'm just not sure if I'm ready to take on such a huge responsibility. Being in the industry for just 5 years, I think there's still a lot more i need to learn and people I need to impress. But my boss told me that he's confident that I can do this, and I know for a fact that he doesn't trust or give his recommendations so easily and for that I'm quite proud of myself and honored too. We've scheduled a lunch together, my boss, the MD and myself. I hope I can give them the answer they and I are looking for.
Mia's still having her nap and Imran is with my Mom, perfect time for me sneak in a quick nap too before the little lady wakes up for her feed. Till then, ....zzzZZZzzzzz..
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Announcing the new arrival!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Last checkup!
So the date's been set, on 22nd June I'll have the labour induction, at about 7am, if all goes well, Dr Alex will break the water bag round 9am and I can have the epidural after that. Then all I hv to do is sit back and wait as labour progresses. Hopefully everythg goes well and I won't be in labour for too long. Must remember to bring some chick lits or trashy mags to keep me company :)
Iskandar told me to think about what I wanna do, things to eat, places to go during my last weekend b4 the big event. So many things to do, so little time! I think I'm just gonna spend all the time with Imran as I think this could be the last few days I can give him my undivided attention. At least for another 6 months or a year. I hope he understands, sigh..
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Thirty today
Some of the boys at work somehow found out it's my bday today n started to kepoh oso, which was kinda nice considering how little fun we've had at the office eversince the "announcement".
I'm not sure what Iskandar's planning for the rest of the day as he said the flowers are just Part 1 of the day...hmmm..
Anyway, as for me, there's nothing I want more on my birthday than to share it with my two best men..and the little lady in me too, care to join me babygirl? :)
edited - 12/6/2009
Part II of my birthday surprise came in the form of, a super cute, lilac Anya Hindmarch tote! Love it to bits!! oh, and love u too babe!
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Oh come out already
Papa's surgery went well, according to Iskandar. They are still in Korea for the post op recovery and should be home on Saturday as scheduled. Hopefully the surgery's cured the numbness of his hand. We are all optimistic that one day he'll be free of the pain altogether.
Last nite Iskandar took us out to KLCC to cheer me up. And cheered up I did, as I discovered that my fave shop, Accesorize has finally made it to KL! I almost died of happiness upon stepping into the shop :D Scored a lovely satin cream purse to wear for Jaja's engagement on Saturday...and a few more gorgeous stuff hehe.
Dinner was at California Pizza Kitchen, my favourite restaurant. yums.
The minute we arrived home, the dreaded backpain started! Argh! but I didn't suffer too long as I fell asleep soonafter brushing my teeth and making Imran's last bottle of milk. Thanks to the soothing backrub from Iskandar!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The dilemma
Which is to our huge disappointment that the owner has appointed the CEO of the loser company to head the new, merged companies. Only reason for this, I hear is because our own CEO had passed away earlier this year and there is no one else befitting our CEO's chair since. With this new incoming, big changes are being implemented, particularly upsetting us is in the amendments of employee benefits and new bonus (bogus) scheme.
Together, a group of us shortchanged staff are putting together a memo to the new management, protesting the changes. It is hard not to get emotional as this is our livelihood that's on the line. We have all been working our assess off for the company, generating decent bonuses in the course and enjoying the wonderful working environment that's been the envy of our competitors. With the new cutbacks on benefits and impossible bonus scheme, all we have left is our monthly salary, which is peanuts, to get through the day to day. Previously, we are ok with the low salary coz we know that we would be rewarded with good bonuses provided we reach the fee target set by the company. And a handsome extra if we exceed the targets. That is why I love this company and stayed for the past 5 yrs, regardless of the low salary. I work hard every year for that big fat bonus cheque.
I have to approach this issue carefully as I'll be going off on maternity leave soon and I don't want this to have any repercussions upon my return. But on the other hand, I have to support my colleagues in this fight without appearing too unreasonable and rebellious. What a pickle!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Imran at school
The trial period ends tomorrow after which we'll be enrolling him into the school's Montessori program proper. I hope the new school uniforms will encourage him to go even more. As it is, the kids are always asking me; Aunty, where's Imran's uniform? Need to get a small schoolbag for Imran's things, water bottles and more socks too!
I'm so happy to see Imran enjoying his time at school. He's making friends easily and I truly believe I made the right choice with this school. But I can't help feeling a wee bit emotional too, seeing how fast he's growing!
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
My checkups are now twice monthly as I've entered the final stages of pregnancy. This week i'll be retrieving back all my stuff loaned to friends and family when they had their babies - car seat, BF cushion, donut cushion, mobile etc. I hope they took care of the stuff :P contemplating of taking back the oh-so precious baby swaddle i loaned to hubby's cousin..should i? i know i can afford buying a new one, but the one i found to keep for our "future offspring" but ended up loaning to her for some stupid reason was SO special, not mentioning quite pricey too!
This afternoon we went to checkout another playschool for Imran, one closer to my Mum's. It was a very pleasant and kinda exclusive school, with only 2 kids of Imran's agegroup and about 10 other bigger kids. Listening to the Principal explain the activities, her experiences with newbies (kids and parents) gave us quite the assurance we needed. Told her bout Imran's habits and temperaments and how we deal with it which she was happy to oblige. She also expressed her relief that we have been instilling discipline in him at this age as some parents had even instruct her not to make their kids follow the school's routine program if they don't want to which makes it quite tricky for the teachers. Being experienced in Montessori early learning for 16 years, my gut feel says that she's the right person to handle our Imran. Thinking of sending him on a trial basis for a week first before we decide to sign him up for a whole year. I love that the school allows this trial basis as other schools never gave us this option. Another plus is that they will toilet train him too when he's settled and ready, yay! :)
Now comes the hard part, that is to tell my Mum that she needs to part with her favourite cucu for 3 hours a day.. :P
Monday, May 04, 2009
Almost at the finish line..
We had a 3-day weekend which was just what I needed, except for the fact that Imran was down with fever and flu for 2 out of the 3 days! But I had a lovely time taking care of him, sick and all. Just sitting there cuddling and soothing him while he sniffles and whines away was therapeutic for me as much as it was for him, I hope. In times like this, I know he needs as much TLC as he does meds, which was what I provided whole-heartedly. The boy got better on Sunday and was back to his usual naughty and mischievous self! I sorta secretly hope the fever extended through Sunday as I was enjoying the quiet and pensive Imran too much! :P
We completed doing up the kids' bedroom yesterday. Hubby layered the second coat of paint all by himself this time and did a pretty good job! Finished off the day by pasting the glow-in-the-dark stars to the ceiling. It turned out real nice and Imran loved it too. I placed an order for an all-white wardrobe and aircon for the room which shud arrive these few days. After that, we shud be done with all the big spending. Until the big day arrives, that is.
Last nite before bed I managed to catch the documentary, "In The Womb" on NatGeo. What a wonderful "inside story" on what goes on in there. It also says that the baby gets more sensitive to the mother's voices after 32 weeks and can sense the difference in tones when she's stressed out, happy, angry etc. So I'll try my best to maintain a happy self from now on :P can I not be? My Coach bag booking came through and will arrive next week! Happy!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
An untitled post
Had a bit of an argument with Hubby yesterday on some small money matters. He didn't speak to me at all last night and I know he's still angry with me this morning. For the first time this morning I didn't give him a kiss before going to work. I'm still scared.. and what if he just brushes me off? I'll just die. I guess I'll just have to wait for him to come around and get over it. It's not that big a deal to me, really but he's treating me as though I've cheated on him which I have not and will not, ever.
Can't wait for the day to be over. I have no mood to work and just feel like rolling around the bed with my Imran.
Monday, April 20, 2009
30 weeks
Anyways, had dinner followed by J-Co donuts at Imran's insistence. Back home, I started to feel like I was gonna explode! And I didnt even eat that much, didn't finish dinner and only ate about 1 and half donuts. My lower back suffered the most, aching all night long and throughout today. Told Iskandar that I think we hv to complete preparing for new baby by end of de month as at 30 weeks, its almost suicidal to walk here and there with a backache like this. We still have to look for a wardrobe for the room which I hope we can settle by next week. Also for typical baby toilettries, diapers and such, which shouldn't be a big problem with Giant being just a minute away. Still, no excuse to do evrything last minute so I'm gonna get that done too.
Was looking at my reflection this morning before going to work and was surprised at how big I am now. Gosh, I really feel this baby is gonna come sooner than the EDD coz I don't think I can expand anymore or risk exploding! Feel quite scared too coz I'm so not ready with tonnes of things yet to be settled. Funny that my colleagues think I'm quite 'small' considering being at 30weeks. Yea saying it is one thing, actually experiencing it is totally another! So far I don't see any stretch marks appearing yet and I hope my skin will maintain this way.
Iskandar's skipping his company trip that's happening from Thursday to spend time with us instead. What a sweet gesture. I know he derserves some time out too, seeing how hard he works his ass for LB. But I'm kinda thankful he's not going, haven't seen much of him this past few weeks, and weekends are always a mad rush between shopping, errands, family dinners and Imrans.
So for the first time in a loooOOOOooong time, we are going out on a dinner date this Friday, some place fancy around this Changkat area, just the two of us. He will be spending the whole day with Imran and night with Mummy so Imran really shouldn't complain! :)
Here's to the weekend! (come already!)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Wet Wednesday
Anyway, later that night after midnight I started to have this bad tummy cramps. Took me about 4-5 times to clear my system a.k.a. kareb it all out! It was horrible. I think the baby felt the "effects" too. She wouldn't stop kicking and poking and jumping the whole night! I couldn't sleep a wink. Dozed off a bit but awoken again by the thunderstorms and Imran climbing me for a cuddle. When my alarm actually went off at 6:40am, I felt like crying!
I don't think I can function properly like this. Made a strong cuppa coffee but am still as drowsy as ever. Am waiting for boss to go out before I quietly escape the office to catch some zzZZZzzzss. Oh yes, first I'm gonna send a nasty email to the owners of the Bangi Kopitiam for unleashing their terrible foods on me!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Almost there
Next on the list it to look for a good wardrobe for the room and also for our computer room aka our second dressing room :P
I've also managed to sort out all Imran's baby clothes and separated the "unisex" ones to recycle! Thank god we bought a lot of good quality clothes for Imran which lasted longer compared to the cheaper Anakku stuff. I also bought a few pairs of pyjamas, tights, newborn rompers, mittens and booties just to complete her wardrobe.
Ok, now back to work!
Monday, April 06, 2009
Taking out the trash
Early Sunday morning, we met up with few other disgruntled customers of the maid agent and decide to have a little "intervention". Apparently the agent's been telling us all sorts of stories and making excuses to delay our dues. For me and 2 others, it's our maid's work permit and for another girl, it's de little problem about her maid's passport being EXPIRED for 3 months. It got a little heaty at the agent's house as she was trying to explain herself but all we wanted was our money back and burn all bridges with her. Had enough of her excuses and from what we heard from her other customers, she's been quite crafty in convincing her customers to part with their RM5,600 only to get miserable services from her. My only consolation was that the maid we got was good with my son and hard working, unlike the other girls who were stuck with terrible ones. After a few hours of bombarding her, she finally relented to return RM2,700 to the 3 girls, but for me, I decided to meet up with her runner direct and deal with him straight. I've cut all ties with the agent and made sure she paid all the money to the runner. It's damn frustrating when you trust a fellow Malay with your hard earned money and only got lousy service and lies. Sorry to say but this is the last time I'll be helping my fellow Malay for sure. I've learnt my lesson the hard way.
Come to think of it, we've had quite a bit of bad service this year. From Telekom, maid agent, Samy the alarm system guy and Maxis damn bloody cheats. We've "sorted out" Telekom and the maid agent already, next to suffer our wrath is Samy and Maxis! Bewarned u blood sucking scums!
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Things I don't want to forget

2. The way he pronounces "computer" as "tompeeteeter"
3. The funny face he makes and growls when I scold him
4. His original rendition of the Birthday Song - "Aaabirday to yoouuuu...Aaabirday to yoooouuu...Aaabirday to Iiimaaan / Tokmiii...Aaaabirday to yoouuu...!"
5. The way he pronounces his name - Iman
6. His hugs which come everytime it's requested
7. When he asks me "Mummy, where going??" when I step out of the door.
8. That smile
9. His obsession with Coldplay's Viva La Vida, refers to it as Iman Chong (Song) or Iman Chong Mummy Car as the CD is permanently fixed in my car radio.
10. How he gets overly excited when he spots KLCC (Otiti) or KL Tower (Aaa-tower)
These are the things I can recall on top of my head as I'm typing this. Being in the terrible 2's, of course there are also those temper tantrum episodes now and then. But let's not make a list about that one :P
I swear there's more that I've forgotten, I'll add to them when I remember. How I wish that he won't grow up so fast. He'll always be my little tee~bum :)
Monday, March 30, 2009
In love with Cafe Cafe
But all that ended soon as we stepped into Cafe Cafe. Oh my gosh!!! The candle light and sparkling crystals hanging on the ceiling just took my breath away! Inside, diners were quietly enjoying each others' company in the romantic ambience, with slow French jazz music taking them through the meal. We were seated by the window which was draped in black velvet curtains. The floors were tiled in black and white - tres chic. It really felt like we were in 1920's Paris.
Needless to say, everything was perfect about the restaurant, service was superb, ambience SO romantic, the diners were of all, food was excellent and not too painful on the wallet :) I finished off with the tiramisu which was just perfect, except de fact that I was too full from the lambshank main course to actually finish it! Even Imran behaved surprisingly well throughout dinner, thank God :)
I didn't take any pictures as the restaurant has a strict policy on cameras which is a good thing to maintain its' air of mystery. But I did feel slightly annoyed with a group of diners who were snapping photos now and then, which brought me back from 1920s Paris to 2009 Malaysia again, sigh..
All in all, it was the perfect night out, just me and my two best men. Je t'aime Cafe Cafe!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Sombre year so far
Mak Ngah's youngest son passed on mid January, in a car accident. He had been traveling to and fro KL-Segamat to take care of my cousin's hubby who's been in and out of coma for the past 5 months. His contributions and sacrifices to the family is hugely appreciated, it is our biggest regret not to get the chance to tell him so. His eldest son scored 10A1s in the recent SPM exams, Abg Lokman must be proud, looking down on him from heaven.
Latest to go was my cousin's beloved hubby, Abang Hashim. What's so frustrating was that the doctors still couldn't figure out what was wrong with him, until now, and told us to pray for a miracle that one day he will wake up and recover. But looking at his condition when we visited him few weeks ago, I somehow expected that he'd never pull out of this one. Arwah was such a cheerful, youthful looking guy that sometimes I feel that Kak Teh is so lucky to marry such a lovely man. The person I saw lying on the hospital looked already half-gone, chest sunken, hair all white, only skin and bones. Not the jovial Abang Hashim I always knew. I can never imagine anyone would have such horrible feelings towards him, up to the extent as to put him through so much physical pain like this. At least that was the only thing that makes sense to us all, given the discovery of "voodoo"-like things around the compound of the house. Yes, we have resorted to numerous bomohs and ustads to help cure him but none actually could. I know those responsible (if it's true) would receive their dues from Allah one day and all we can do is redha for all that has happened.
All I can say is, I hope with the passing of Arwah Abg Hashim there would be no more tragedies in our families. I don't know if my mum can take losing another family member like this anymore. It has clearly taken a toll on her, esp as she had sorta taken responsibility to care for Mak Ngah's children after her passing last year.
Mummy's birthday is coming this weekend, we haven't planned anything yet coz she insisted that we wait for my younger sis to come home from Dublin. But I'm thinking of a surprise little family celebration for her on that day itself, especially after all the tough days she had to go through.
Till then.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Spanish dreams
Back to reality, I find myself panicking at work, realizing the tons of work I need to finish before I go off on my maternity leave. yikeS! I don't want to repeat my previous mistakes of not finishing up in time and ending up briefing my boss over the phone, from the hospital bed, on the status of each and every file on my long WIP list :P Very troublesome, and I hated the inconvenience it must have brought my boss and colleagues due to that. But then again, last time wasn't entirely my fault as the baby decided to come a month early!
I'm entering 7 months soon and with each passing moment I'm so excited to meet this new person growing inside me. The kicks and punches are getting more and more stronger and frequent, you can actually see it if you sit/stand close enough. I haven't bought much stuff for the baby. Thank god I saved most of Imran's old rompers, pyjamas and blankets. They were still in pretty good as new condition, just need a good washover.
Ok, I better get back to work, till later!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
We stayed at a cute little boutique hotel in the outskirts of Sukhumvit, near On Nut station, Imm Hotel. Scored a great deal with the stay-for-3-nites-pay-for-2 package. They even threw in a free Thai massage and BTS day pass. Awesome deal. Anyone heading to Bangkok on a budget, please checkout this hotel
The hotel looks like one of those old Chinese heritage homes u see in Melaka, with a modern touch. I especially love the pool and lounge area. Super cozy and unpretentious. The resident turtles are very friendly too, always poking their heads out of the water when we pass by.
Went to Chatuchak market on Saturday AND Sunday for our shopping binge. It was madness, stuffy, claustrophobic, and the smell of pork meat was just dreadful. At the same time, it was exhilirating to be among thousands of shoppers, bargaining away for things that are already priced dirt cheap! Bought lotsa stuff for the home, Thai silk sheets, big wooden pots and paintings and other bric-a-bracs. Of course I so can't resist the cutesy dresses and flip-flops! Bought extra for friends who I think would be interested but now I'm having second thoughts to keep it for myself!
And the FOOD..ohh..I'm so missing the mango and sticky rice dessert. Had it practically every day after EVERY meal! They are that good.
As I was on the BTS from MBK making my way back to our hotel (Iskandar wanted to shop some more after Chatuchak but I needed to get home coz I was so sweaty and tired), I thought to myself that this is a city I can actually live in, not just for the shopping, but also for the low cost of living, cheap massages, convenience of city traveling and food of course. And did I mention that the public toilets are super clean? Even the toilets at Chatuchak were suprisingly clean, when thousands use it every hour! I can safely say that KLCC toilets pun kalah ok.
I can't wait to go back again, I think I left a little piece of my heart in Bangkok.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Something in the water..
He got a lil better on Sunday. Good timing coz MIL and family were coming over to stay that night. Was so happy to see him back to his usual self and enjoying the attention of his Atok, Tah and Uncle Har. Come Sunday nite, Iskandar pulak got hit by the tummy flu bug.
There must be something in the water I think. No wonder we Selangor folks got it for free.. :P
Friday, February 13, 2009
My personal thoughts
Maybe that's one of the reasons I'm always left out of the loop when it comes to the drama or lovelives of my friends :P Thing is, I've always lived on these two principles, life and love should come easy. We can't sweat the small stuff but we also shouldn't ignore any warning bells in our heads, no matter how soft the ring is. Nobody's perfect, esp. me but that doesn't mean that my life is doomed. Love is hard work, but it shouldn't be too hard, to the point that you sacrifice your own feelings and principles. Otherwise, it's just not worth it and we should walkaway, no matter how hard it is to find someone to like, who fancies us in return in the first place. Especially when it comes to something so forbidden, like married men /women. That's just plain wrong. I've known a few who were in these kind of tormenting relationships. The heartache it leaves the lovers when its over is nothing compared to the broken lives of the spouses / children left in the trail.
But then again, some people are addicted to drama. It keeps them on their toes. I can admit having a bit of drama in my personal life. The fights were horrible but the making up is oh-so-sweet afterwards. Addictive stuff. But in time, esp after marriage, I've learnt that love doesn't deserve to be treated so lightly, that every little mistake should not be blown out of proportion to the point of shouting matches and harsh words. Love is above all that.
Contrary to what some would think, I do feel that we must put ourselves first before our partners. We should love and appreciate ourselves more than our partners do. Not to the point of being a selfish, heartless bitch but we must never let our self-worth or principles be compromised in the name of "love".
This Valentine's Day, I hope people would learn to love, respect and appreciate themselves more.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Kinky baby
Few minutes on and our doorbell was rang, and in comes two strange looking men. Ahah! U guessed it, strippers! We managed to prop our lil' bride on a chair, put on some kinky dance music on the CD player and one of the guys then started to do his "moves". It was hilarious and scary at the same time, we forgot that it was supposed to be sexy! Anyway, the stripper did his thing i.e. stripping, dirty dancing and showing off his notti moves, I thot I was back in Phatpong! Kinky stuff I tell ya. Anyway, I was just sitting there on my couch with a cushion half covering my face due to the "inappropriateness" haha when suddenly I felt a small kick in my belly. Not a strong kick, but felt more like a popped air bubble. It can't be the baby, i thought. Few mins later and "plop!" Another little kick. And all the while the stripper was still gyrating and grinding in front of me. The kicks were more frequent since then, I can't really tell whether he's kicking in excitement or he's just plain annoyed with the loud techno music. I have a horrible feeling that it's the former.
So I guess my baby's been corrupted even before he was born. Terrible! Told hubby when I got home and though he too found it funny that the baby is a horny lil bugger (is it even possible?) he insists on getting me headphones to play Quran verses.. sorta like to cleanse his mind again after that dirrty nite out with Mummy.
The kicks are getting stronger now. Its so exciting knowing that I'm halfway to meet my new "baby tibam". And I hope the baby will never know bout that stripper thing!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Zionist bastards
Taken from
The words keep echoing in Kamal Awaga's ears, sending jolts of pain into his feeble, wounded body.
These were the last words uttered by his 9-year-old son, Ibrahim, before he ended up as a practicing target for Israeli soldiers.
"They killed my son in cold blood," says the grief-stricken father, still in a state of shock.
Ibrahim joined more than 350 children killed by Israel in its three-week onslaught on the coastal enclave.
But while others fell victim to killer bullets or deadly bombs, Ibrahim's fate was even more tragic.
He became a shooting practice for a squad of Israeli soldiers.
"The Israelis did not show mercy for his innocence," said his tearful father from his bed at the Al-Shefa hospital in Gaza City.
"They had no pity for his tiny body," added the heart-broken father.
A Sunny Day
Nothing in the day prepared the Awaga family for the tragic twist of events that unfolded.
They woke up to a sunny morning after days of being locked in one small room to escape the massive Israeli bombardment.
"Mom, let's have our breakfast out in the garden. I'm tired of staying in this room," the grieved mother recalls Ibrahim's plea.
An hour later, the table was set in the garden and the family was hoping to enjoy rare moments of peace, unaware of the eyes watching them from a distance.
A first missile stole the family's job before another destroyed their house.
"Dad, I am dying," cried Ibrahim to his father who rushed frantically to his side.
"Hurry, let's go," Awaga told his wife and two other children while carrying bleeding Ibrahim.
But even before they could reach the gate, a flood of bullets showered them.
One bullet hit the mother's leg and another hit the father's waist.
Ibrahim's two frightened brothers ran for cover behind the rubbles of their bombed-out house.
Shooting Practice
As the firing died down, the family thought their misery was over. But the Israeli soldiers were not finished yet.
"When the soldiers came closer, I thought they will kill me," said Awaga who faked being dead.
"But they were aiming at my young child," he said choking at the bitter memory.
One soldier came close to Ibrahim's body, turning him by his leg and laughing while another fired his gun to the dead boy's head.
Laughs got louder as they carried the body to a higher place to start their party.
For a whole hour, the father hushed his cries of pain as he watched the Israeli soldiers compete in sniping on his dead son's body.
"They were using his bullet-ridden, bleeding body as a shooting practice.
"With each bullet, they were humming with words I could not figure out, but it sounded full of rapture. It was as if they were celebrating."
When they finally had enough "practicing," the Israelis took their guns and left the house.
Four complete days passed before emergency doctors were able to find their way to the family and rush them to hospital.
"What did my son do to deserve that?" Awaga asks, shaking his head in disbelief.
"The Israelis killed my kid, not once or twice but a thousand times."
Friday, January 02, 2009
I miss my girlfriends

it's a new year and my resolution for this year is to make more time for friends. now that i've got a new maid it's time to get my social life back on track! i only have a few months of mobility before i get too big to move my fat arse anyway!
tomorrow we're having a girly lunch at my bestie's. can't wait to catch up with my friends and just absorb every single detail. let hubby take charge at home for once :)
Here's to Girlfriends!