Anyway, we sent her off on the first boat out to Dumai the next morning and went home to a dusty, messy home. Went into Stepford-wife mode and spent the rest of the day just cleaning, dusting, picking up dirty clothes and toys, doing the laundry, cooking, feeding Imran, playing with him and put him down for a nap. Phew! Can't believe how hard it must be for my mum taking care of us 4 growing kids and a home, being a single parent pulak tu (Daddy passed away when I was 5). I can so understand her frustration that time, and I feel for her coz Daddy wasn't there for her, as I have Iskandar (love you babe).
It's not so bad really, I'm used to doing housework before having a baby, just that we've been so spoilt and pampered having a maid to do all the dirty work while I lay stupid on the couch watching channel E or Bold & Beautiful.
Juggling between work, cooking, cleaning, laundry and caring for a hyperactive and picky eater 2-yr old is definitely not easy. But it's only been 3 days, so I hope to get my groove back and ease into being SuperMom in no time. I guess I'll have to say goodbye to datenights, kofi2 and gossip sessions with my girlfriends and eventually any form of social interaction other than at Kizsports & Gym until we get a new maid which is gonna take months.
Till that time, say hello to Super(Fabulous)Mom!
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