Last Sunday I had a bit of a meltdown over the finished butter for my usual brekkie (like, wtf right!) and drove out in a dramatic rant to the nearest mamak for an hour's binge session of roti canai + nescafe tarik.
Now that I am finally alone in a different state from all that chaos that is my household, I feel homesick as hell! I miss my two munchkins and bapak munchkin too and would do anything to go back to that Sunday - I would've taken them out with me to the mamak just for that extra moment with them :(
Anyway, I'm only away for 3 days. And it's already end of Day 1. Takyah la over2 drama kan.
So to drown my sorrows tonite, I am bargain hunting online :D hehhehe..Joy. is such an evil site i tell ya! hahahha! Serious damage on my visa this month. But that kaftan was SO worth every penny :)))
Sorrows drowned indeed.