Since our camera went kaput we have been forced to minimize taking photos of the kiddies and stuff we did, limited by the memory space in our camera phones. Which is really unfortunate coz it means not being able to capture the moments they cross their milestones. Imran, has become quite a pro at going to the toilet nowadays. No more tears of protests, he just goes without being told and does his thing, and the washing afterwards (hands only lah, I still have to help him to wash his bum). I won’t forget that day when he came up to me and said “Mummy, can u hold my Sugus please? I want to go pangsai”, and conveniently plops a half-chewed Sugus in my hand! He does a lot of things on his own actually, come to think of it, from switching on the PC to find his online Ben10/Spiderman/Batman games, brushing his teeth, dressing himself, getting his snack from the fridge to fixing his car seatbelt. Eating is still a struggle but much, much better than those days. You can see he quite enjoys food and has acquired a taste for mamak food!

As for Mia, wow, I’m so so surprised with how fast she’s growing! She’s turning into quite the character, diva-like, sometimes, not that we mind coz she’s so cute and all, with those big eyes, demanding us around! Yes, she gets what she wants, this pretty princess. Lately she’s becoming more demanding, making me stay with her in the room at bedtime until she falls asleep. She screams bloody murder the second she sees me trying to sneak out, which I did anyway, but magically enough, settles back to sleep when I don’t come back in to soothe her. Very auta! She’s very chatty (in her own language) and I can imagine having to layan all her “But why, Mummy?” questions when she’s old enough. Oh and don’t she love to dance!! Put on any music and she’ll start bopping up and down, shaking her little diaper booty n all!

Together, they drive us crazy sometimes, fighting over toys, lollypops, anything! But I know Imran adores his kid sister and enjoys teasing her and singing with her, esp. her favorite song, Twinkle2 Little Star and they both are Bieber fans!
These two “monkeys” and my gorgeous husband is such an enormous blessing in my life and to ask for more would be just plain greedy. But I know rezeki di tangan Tuhan and I can only hope for the best for my family.
Life is good :)