Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Road trip
Thursday, December 08, 2011
Just so you know
It’s been a while since the last entry. Honestly, there hasn’t been much happening lately other than the usual maid dramas, sick kids, travels, school problems ..normal stuff. But I think for the sake of keeping the blog current, let me just briefly cerita the significant going-ons in my life since the last update..
Went for my first offshore platform visit which was awesome! The anticipation and anxiety leading to the trip was so nerve-wrecking though, since it was scheduled to be right smack in the mid of the stormy monsoon season. It rained heavily at the airport all morning and the flight was postponed several times. But in the end, the journey there and back couldn’t be more smooth. Perfect weather, perfect flight, everything went perfect. The platform itself could be better though. To quote James who came with me, “It’s like living in a house with a 100 teenage boys”.
The next week onwards will be interesting for all of us. Imran will be going on a school camp for 3 days which I hope he will enjoy after being stuck at home for the past coupla months. I’ll be traveling a bit to Kedah and for the weekend, we will all pack up n go for a quick getaway to PD..and the week after that we will drive further down to Singapore to spend the Christmas hols. Yes..quite a lot of spending is anticipated and hopefully we will have enough in the bank to last til the next paycheck!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Home away from home
Anyway, I'm only away for 3 days. And it's already end of Day 1. Takyah la over2 drama kan.
Sorrows drowned indeed.
Monday, August 29, 2011
29th Ramadhan 1432
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Attack of the Rotavirus
Everyone has recovered from it. Imran still acts as though he has it, purposely refusing food and stuff and blaming on his tummy when he’s perfectly fine (I can so tell when he’s pretending so please don’t think that I’m not taking him seriously). He had a bit of a tumble last Monday and we had to rush him to TTMC to get his forehead fixed. The gash was big and deep, I feared that he would need stitches but the “pretty doctor” (imran’s nickname for Dr.Ellyza) said that they will just fix it up with glue. Wow really! He was really brave throughout the gluing process, thank God. I told him that the pretty doctor is fixing his head with a laser so he can be like Ben10. Saja, just to distract him a bit. He was so proud of having been “laser-ed” on his head and was happily showing off the “Ben10 laser” mark to his friends at school.

But my Mia is having the worse time, what with the rotavirus and then she contracted the flu pulak. Vomiting and coughing away all day and nite and refusing food and milk. Not her choice to refuse but she knows that she will start coughing and everything she ate will come out again. Vomiting really hurts so she end up not eating anything at all except for a few nibbles of cookies and bread. I insist that she finishes her dinner every night just so she has some sustenance. But as for milk, she’s totally not taking any at all.
This was how she looked like when she had rotavirus, my poor baby.

So yeah it’s been a little crazy at home, with the sleepless nights and cleaning/mopping/cuci tilam sessions in the middle of the night. She looks better this morning though so I think we made it through the worst part.
I’m still not taking the rotavirus vaccination for the kids though!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Bye-bye Kat

Thank you Kat for loving us..we all miss you.
* this entry was actually written about a month ago..but I only managed to put this up today. A lot has been happening in our lives lately that's been keeping me from updating my blog.
More to come.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Good evening Saigon!

Anyway, I'm in this lovely city of Saigon..taking in the sights and sounds of the streets from my overly big hotel room at Sheraton. I can get lost in a room this big! I'm here for 3 days, on a survey at one of the plants down in Vung Tao. I hope i spelt that right hehe. I can't wait to get work done and over with so we can get on to the fun part -- SHOPPING! From the hotel, I can see rows upon rows of awesome shops to be explored, bargains to be made! so exciting! I just hope the guys I came with don't mind chaperoning me while I work the shops.. I'm not berani enough to go on my own. But, worse comes to worst, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do rite!
Ok, gotta hop in the shower now. Meeting the boys for dinner in half hour. I'm kinda looking forward to trying the famous Vietnamese beef noodle or pho while I'm here. Not sure if there are halal ones though. Anyway, maybe I shouldn't be too adventurous in picking my dinner tonite as we have an early morning call tomorrow for the plant meeting..the cars' coming to fetch us bright and early at 6am! yikes!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
It's the end of an era!
One of my girl besties got married recently and last Saturday was the reception at Eastin Hotel. OMG it was such a beautiful wedding! The setting was so romantic with pastel colors blended with silver and dangling crystals just gives it a magical effect. I remembered her weeks before the day, stressed and overwhelmed with all the wedding preparations plus having to pacify and satisfy the preferences of her family and the would-be inlaws (didn’t we all? hehe). But wow did it all turn absolutely perfect. I wish I took pictures from the night but yeah I was still using my old 2G camera-less phone hehehe. I can’t wait to see the official wedding photos.
Few years back when I revived this blog, I wrote about the funny baby words/pronunciation created by Imran.
Now, it’s Mia’s turn to create her own vocab;
Apam = Abang = Imran
Tumi = Tokmi
Loon = Balloon
Toti = Roti
Tanana = Banana
Sisa = Lisa (her baby cousin)
Atin = Drink
Sayam = Salam
Cads = Scared (when she hears the sound of thunder)
Tars = Star
Tiak = Ketiak (her favorite body part)
On to other developments – the inlaws are moving to their new house this weekend. YES. Enough said.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
SuperHotMom is back!
Most nights I only get to sit down and have dinner past 10pm when everything is sorted. But my day doesn’t end there, as I would still have to sort out the kids stuff for the next day and cleaning up the dining and kitchen before I shower and call it a night. I can hardly keep my eyes open through a full episode of House which is so upsetting as I’m loving the Huddy storyline this season!
Thank god I have the most helpful and handy hubby around to help with the heavy stuff. Like mowing the lawn, rubbish duties and Rainbow-ing the house. The Rainbow is a superb cleaning machine but its so bloody heavy to lug around. Iskandar does a great job with it.
The only thing that still needs to be worked on is getting the kids back on their routine at Tokmi’s house, which I think is quite impossible. They pretty much get to do/eat/watch whatever they want and of course that means eating junkfood, watching sinetrons, and skip their daytime naps. Which on some days can be hell to me as the kids will be too exhausted and super hyper by the time we get home at night to:- have a proper dinner / do homework / brush their teeth / be normal. Nothing much we can do there which is so frustrating..
One night the screaming madness got so bad that I ended up sending both kids off to bed with a scolding, without finishing their dinner. Imran was quite happy to escape a meal but Mia cried and cried until she vomited! I can’t remember ever scolding her that bad before that night. After the kids have both quiet down and settled to sleep, did it finally hit me how terrible I was to them. I forgot my vow to them that they will always come first no matter what, but that night all I cared for was that the kids are off to bed so I can move on with my chores! The realization knocked me so bad and I cried until Iskandar had to come home as he was worried about my little breakdown :P
It’s much better now that I have a “contingency” plan for these kinda situations. Things have been much more fun and I so look forward everyday to coming home to the kids, screaming and all.
I can do this!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
The day my heart stopped
It all started with a phonecall from my Dad, asking if anyone’s at home. They were outside the gate, to send Imran home from school. No one answered the doorbell, they rang and call a hundred times. Something wasn’t right so I called Iskandar. He confirmed that MIL didn’t take my daughter and the maid out, they should be at home. My mum called after that, saying that my Dad spotted a bunch of keys near the plants and suspected something wrong so he climbed over. Tried to open the door with the keys but couldn’t. Our house was dead quiet.
I tried to keep calm but inside, my heart just stopped. My daughter was left with the maid at home that morning and usually she will come running to the door to welcome her brother home. Something was terribly wrong here. I quickly jumped on the train and headed home. That’s when Iskandar called to tell me that my Dad had managed to open the grill and found the maid gone. Mia was apparently still sleeping in her room, safe and sound. When I heard my phone ring and it was Iskandar I almost didn’t want to pick up coz I was expecting the worse, i.e. the maid took my daughter with her and that I would never see her again but thankfully I found the courage to answer the phone and with such relief, knowing my baby girl is safe and oblivious to what was going on.
For some reason, Iskandar and I both found ourselves not discussing as much on this sudden escape of the maid. In fact, we moved on almost immediately. Got ourselves together, cleared up her room, threw away all her stuff and went about doing the household cleaning as usual. We did not bring the topic up at all, except when family members called upon finding out. That too, we only gave out straight answers, non-speculative. No what-ifs, whys.
On my part, the reason why I chose not to talk about this was because of the feeling of HUGE, ENORMOUS fear that I could have lost my child forever that day. I do not want to recall that day as it would bring back how horrible the feeling was and especially how terrible I felt for failing as a mother to protect my child. It was the most stupid mistake anyone can make, leaving her child with a non-family member, a stranger. No doubt the maid’s been with us for almost 2 yrs and had told us that she intended to stay and work with us for another year. She was, almost family to us. ALMOST. STILL A STRANGER.
Another reason was that I was so shocked at her betrayal of trust. It brought out this deep hatred, and raging anger I’ve never felt against a person, in my lifetime. And I know that talking about it will make the rage and bitterness surface again, and I do not want to waste a single second of my life with such negative emotions. What more on someone as worthless as a maid.
I swear I will never let such things happen again. Never again.
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Another milestone for Imran!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
My daredevil daughter
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Quick update!

Together, they drive us crazy sometimes, fighting over toys, lollypops, anything! But I know Imran adores his kid sister and enjoys teasing her and singing with her, esp. her favorite song, Twinkle2 Little Star and they both are Bieber fans!
These two “monkeys” and my gorgeous husband is such an enormous blessing in my life and to ask for more would be just plain greedy. But I know rezeki di tangan Tuhan and I can only hope for the best for my family.
Life is good :)
Friday, January 28, 2011
One step closer
just tucked my little angels into bed and gonna tuck myself in next. it's been a long day.
good night world.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Notorious I.M.R.A.N.
Ok, I'm gonna look up options on "positive reinforcements" now before I call it a day. Hope it works.
Wish me luck.
Good nite.