Thursday, November 25, 2010


My kids and I are under house arrest as we are all infected with HFMD..ugh, as much as I love not having to go to work all week, it's kinda annoying coz there's not much else I can do at home, besides watch TV, go on facebook and goof about with the kids. i'm pretty sure we got it from one of our relatives whose kids had it few weeks ago. daym..never really thought we would end up getting the disease. imran recovered pretty quickly but the little girl had it worse. the ulcers keep popping up under her 'langit-langit' and she had a tough time trying to eat or drink. it hurst even when she's tring to soothe herself to sleep. nothing works. which means me n the dad haven't been getting much sleep as she was fretful and cried most of the night. But yesterday she was lil bit better and today she's almost back to her usual cheeky self. she won't let me check or put bonjela on it so im just guessing that they must have healed. am switching her milk to pediasure again just to get her appetite going again.
The doctor advised to get our bodies loaded up on Vitamin C and lots of water so have been giving the kids bottles n bottles of juices. The spots on our feet are still there but i didn't see any new ones coming up so i hope we're on our way out of this. Hopefully we'll be ok by the weekend. I need to get better too coz i just can't afford to miss Jasmin's wedding reception again!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Just venting out

I can’t believe we are approaching yet another December with all the celebrations..time for kindy concerts, school holidays and the rush to clear up work for the financial year followed by clearing of all the remaining annual leaves. Not that my life has been exciting or anything but even with the normalcy of our day-to-day routine , I still feel a little overwhelmed that I have lots to accomplish before I say goodbye to 2010. For instance, the gym subscription which I’ve kept on postponing due to whatever reasons..the neglected garden that’s looking more and more rainforest-like by the day..banking in the kids’ duit Raya..updating our insurance portfolio to include Mia..sending our clothes to the donation center..the list goes on. Note that most if not everythg on the list requires a sum of money to kick-off which is perhaps the main factor these have been pushed to the backburner for now. Despite the pay increase, I’m still finding it tough to keep up with our expenses.. seems like there is always something happening that needs major attention / fixing / replacement. Last month it was the TV, the coming month’s pay will be for a new washing machine and the month after that would have to be the fridge. Hrmphh.. I know I shouldn’t be complaining coz this money problem is a never ending miserable cycle. Even with the yearly pay raises and bonuses, somehow it will almost always be followed with issues that requires huge amounts of money and plops me back to square zero again.

Ok talking about this is making me even more depressed. I know things do have their way to work their own way out and all. it’s just that I wish for once, money can be struck out of my list of problems :P