Iskandar's left for Delhi for the week so the kids n i are dumping ourselves at Mummy's house. this was expected to be a great arrangement as i hardly hv time these days for chit-chatting with my mum. my annoyance, my mum's house is booked by a production house to shoot some lame-ass Malay drama. AGAIN. for those who know me, would know that my mum's house has been a pretty common scene in so many cerekaramas. Even some videoclips, Chinese, Tamil and Filipino soap operas too. Guess that makes it pretty cool but after the hundredth drama, i'm so over the excitement of seeing celebrities do their thing in front of the camera. and right at this moment, they are shooting a scene in the living room where i think the female actor is suppose to naik hantu and get into a huge screaming fight worse than kimora with her cheating husband or something. she's so effing loud and it's really pissing me off as my kids are trying to sleep up here! Mia was startled so many times and screamed at each take. worse still, i didn't even get to see my mum as we are all trapped in our rooms as long as they are shooting. AND we have to keep the TV down too. SO SO SOOOO annoying.
im still awake coz i'm waiting for Iskandar to get online. haven't heard from him all day and am getting a little worried. sambil2 tu i'm browsing for tips for my Strategic Interview happening on friday. reading others' experiences about it, i'm getting even more freaked out!
am feeling a little hungry but can't get to the fridge downstairs for obvious reasons.. urrrgggghhh..wish i'm back home now!!